
Photo's, maps of my time in Bosnia, 1995

Russian UN helicopter bringing rotation L7 to Split

This is the helicopter which flew the people from rotation L7 to Split. This is a really big helicopter ! Very impressive to see this huge aircraft taking off.

Found this on the net:
"Mi-26(T) is a multipurpose helicopter having no analogues over the world. Only this helicopter is able to carry loads weighing up to 20 tons in the cargo cabin or on an external sling. For civil and military purposes."

Rotation L7, leaving from Santici, 1

On the photo is a mix of the medical group of rotation L7 and L8. Rotation L7 left Bosnia on that day, they did it in style however. A giant russian helicopter took them to Split from which they flew to the Netherlands. I am the second from the left on the photo.

From left to right:

  1. Maurice Blij
  2. Lucas Koorneef
  3. Don vd Meijden
  4. Bas Ketelaars
  5. Berry Suntenmaartensdijk (sitting)
  6. Han Ribbers
  7. Dianne Raaijmakers (sitting)
  8. Rob Beekmans
  9. Rein Gaastra
  10. Wiek Huys
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